
Sponsor A Pastor

Pastor Madan
Place of Ministry ~ Panapur Village, Uttar Pradesh

Pastor Madan was raised as a Hindu.  At the age of 22 he received salvation and started witnessing to his Hindu friends.  God used him through his testimony and many received Christ. He then felt the call of God to become a pastor, so he went to Bible school for two years. He came with fifty Hindus to an evening evangelistic meeting where Pastor Marlon Rains from the USA was preaching at Shajan pur, Uttar Pradesh. All the Hindus he brought came to know the Lord on the first day of the crusade and then started a church at Panapur village, Uttar Pradesh .


** Praise the Lord, he is now a full time pastor who is supported on a monthly basis by Christ In You supporters in the USA at $75 a month.

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