Our Strategy

Reformation in Foreign Missions What is the most successful and cost-effective means of presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard it in various places in the world? In the past Western missionaries would go to countries where the gospel was never proclaimed. It was necessary, …

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Testimony from New Delhi, India

FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2010       I (Mr. Viraj J. Singh) come from a nominal Christian background and my wife Mrs. Sonaha comes from a Hindu background. Her father’s family was deeply involved in witchcraft and due to that Mrs. Sonaha was tormented by evil spirits. My family was …

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Report from Evangelist Raphael in Uganda

November 2, 2009 Just now I received this report from Evangelist Raphael in Uganda. Christ in You has supported this outreach in NW Uganda. This is a remote area where few evangelists enter. They did not expect such crowds. He told me on the phone there were close to 10,000 …

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Report from Raphael in Uganda

  August 5, 2009 We have just received a report from Raphael, our evangelist in Uganda: Dear Dr. Paul, We came back yesterday after the crusade which ended on Sunday after we inaugurated the new Church. In this crusade we adapted a new strategy as we realized that there were …

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Pastor Sohan Lal – Amritsar

July 29, 2009 In June 2009 our evangelist in India, Simon Haqq, preached an open air evangelism meeting in Amrtisar. This is the city of the Golden Temple, the holy site of the Sikh religion. Amritsar is in Punjab in the extreme north west area of India near the Pakistan …

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A Report From Pastor Raphael

April 28, 2009 Our evangelist in Uganda, Raphael, has sent us the following report of his work thus far in 2009: A Brief summary of Crusades Since the beginning of the year we have conducted several gospel crusades aimed at reaching several slum areas of Kampala. These areas are mainly …

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